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Church Management: Tips for Growing Your Ministry

Have you formed a church that you love and want to see it reach its full potential? Don’t be discouraged when your longing for instant gratification doesn’t bear fruit. Being a successful leader is more than donning preacher robes and reading scripture to a crowded room. To build a prosperous church community, there are growing pains to endure and valleys to walk through. As with any new venture, developing a ministry takes time, effort, and patience. Here are just a few quick tips to grow a fruitful ministry.

Trust in His Timing

The apostle Paul encourages the Galatians to continue their good work, and never tire of it. He urges them to press on for, in the end, they will reap a harvest that far surpasses what their minds can imagine. The key to this motivational urging? Paul says that this eternal life will come at the proper time.

Remember that your ministry will grow when it’s meant to do so — in God’s timing, not yours. Do not give up your good works despite the doubts of others, the hardships along the way, or the inevitable setbacks. Stay the path, and you’ll reap what you sow.

Trust in His Provision

In 2 Corinthians, Paul reminds the Corinthians that God will bless his people with more than they need to sustain themselves in order to pour into good works. As a church, your role is to receive in order to bless others. God will provide for all that you’ll need in due time so that you continue to be his hands and feet.

In a similar way, as the leader of your church, it’s key to provide your team with all that they’ll need to do their good works as well. Create an environment that encourages productivity. Provide staff with everything from custom pocket folders to daily prayer meetings; listen to their needs and equip them in the way God equips his people.

Trust in His Guidance

In Isaiah chapter 58, God told the Israelites to trust in His guidance. Life of ministry and obedience comes with its own set of challenges. Those hardships are not meant to punish but to teach and cleanse. If you are selfless, serve the less fortunate, and refrain from judgment, the darkness will be overcome by your light.

These promises from God’s word ring true in your church’s ministry. Stay focused on serving others, give what you have in overflow, and the Lord will guide you through scorched lands. If he has led you to build his church and serve his people, he’ll surely guide you through it. Remember to share this mindset with your team of staff and volunteers, and with your congregation. Guide them in a way that fulfills what God has called his people to do.

Trust in His Plan

God sent the Israelites to live in captivity for 70 years. In this time, he declared that they were to be content in the uncertainty, and promised that he had a plan for their lives. It’s easy to look at Jeremiah 29:11 and consider God’s promise to be an easy fix and a promise for instant gratification, but this is not so. God did not promise that he had a plan and a purpose to make them prosper right here, right now. He reminded them that his plan will come to pass in due time.

Don’t be discouraged if your plans for your ministry aren’t meeting your timeline. God’s plan to prosper you, give you hope and hear your prayers requires patience and contentment when you don’t see the clear path.

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