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How To Regain the Ability To Function When Struggling With Alcohol Addiction

a man consumes alcohol during quarantine through dismissal

Alcohol addiction is a serious disorder that can have a devastating impact on an individual’s life and ability to function. While confronting and dealing with addiction can be a difficult and challenging task, there are steps you can take to figure out how to be a functioning alcoholic as you work towards recovery.

Accept that this is an issue.

The first step to regaining the ability to function when struggling with alcohol addiction is to accept that you have an issue and to seek help. Alcoholism is a complex disorder and it is important to understand that it is not something that can be overcome on your own. It is important to seek out professional help and support systems such as Alcoholics Anonymous, counseling, and residential treatment programs to begin your journey to recovery.

Commit to staying sober.

The second step in staying sober is to make a commitment to abstain from drinking and other substance use. It is a difficult step, as it requires dedication, willpower, and a conscious effort to break the habits and behaviors that have been built up over time. Abstaining from drinking and other substance use is no small task, as it can be difficult to break away from the comforts and pleasures that these substances provide. It is important to keep in mind that it is a process and that it is okay to have moments of weakness, as long as we don’t give up and remain determined to stay sober.

Foster your support system.

The third step is to build a support system. This can include family, friends, and other individuals who can provide you with the encouragement and support you need to stay on track. It is also important to create a routine and structure in your life. This can include avoiding situations that may lead to relapse, such as hanging out with friends who may be drinking or going to places where alcohol is served. Additionally, surrounding yourself with positive activities and people is important. This could include participating in support groups, counseling, or other activities that can help to stay on track.

Prioritize self-care.

The fourth step in any recovery process is to take care of yourself. This means ensuring that you are getting enough rest, eating a healthy and balanced diet, and getting some regular exercise. As well as these physical health considerations, it is also important to factor in activities that can help you with your mental health. This could include anything from yoga or meditation, to art therapy or even just taking a long walk in nature. All of these activities can help to reduce stress, enabling you to focus on your recovery more effectively.

Practice self-compassion.

The fifth step in recovery is to practice self-compassion. It is essential for individuals to be kind and understanding to themselves throughout the recovery process. By practicing self-compassion, individuals can provide themselves with the support and understanding needed to stay on track and make progress in their recovery journey. This can involve setting realistic goals and expectations, taking time for self-care, and using positive self-talk. Practicing self-compassion can help individuals remain motivated and focused on their recovery goals and give them the strength and resilience needed to remain sober.

While overcoming alcohol addiction can be a long and difficult process, it is possible to regain the ability to function when struggling with alcohol addiction. By accepting that you have a problem, making the commitment to stay sober, building a support system, taking care of yourself, and practicing self-compassion, you can begin the journey to recovery and regain the ability to function.

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